27 May 2006

The polish connection

It was exciting this past week to meet Bogdan Bassara at the CEF Regional Conference, in Kilkeel, NI.
As coordinator for Media and Publications in CEF Europe, Bogdan and I are sure to be working together a lot in the future. I had heard much about Bogdan but this was the first time we met and I believe we instantly clicked with each other.
While being part of the European regional staff based in Kilchzimmer, Bogdan resides in his home country of Poland with his wife Agnes and one year old daughter. Posted by Picasa

20 May 2006

Service and BBQ

You are invited to join us on...
Sunday 28 May 2006 at 7 pm
in Portadown Baptist Church (Thomas Street)
for a service
to mark the end of Gary’s ministry
Associate Pastor

and to a
Barbeque on Saturday 3 June 2006 at 6.30 pm
in Gosford Forest Park (Main car park)
Food, fellowship, bouncy castle, face painting, games for all the family…

Opportunity will be given at both events to contribute towards Gary & Claudia’s expenses.

Visit from the Gwynne's

The Gwynne family will also be attending Kilchzimmer this summer so we had them over for a Saturday evening. It was a great opportunity for us and the boys to get to know each other.

 Posted by Picasa

04 May 2006

A step closer

At last night’s meeting of the CEF Ireland National Committee, Claudia and I were officially accepted as CEF Ireland Missionary Candidates.
This means that we are now free to organise deputation meetings to raise regular prayer and financial support. To arrange a meeting, please phone me on Tel. 07967 651 647.
We praise God that He has brought us another step closer to beginning our new ministry at Kilchzimmer.

A special service to mark the end of my ministry, as Associate Pastor, will be held on Sunday, 28th May at 7.00pm in Portadown Baptist Church. We would like as many of our friends and supporters as possible to be present – so please do come.

Some prayer and praise points:

  • Praise God for those who have offered to help us in many practical ways. This always encourages us and we never cease to be amazed at peoples generosity.
  • Give thanks that a suitable tenant has been found to rent our house while we are away.
  • Pray for me as I finish my time (Sun. 4th June) as Associate Pastor in Portadown Baptist Church. Pray that the church would know the will of God in finding a suitable replacement.
  • Pray for us as we finalise our travel arrangements for driving to Switzerland.
  • Pray that as we prepare to leave salaried employment and step out in faith, that the Lord will provide the necessary finance to cover all the costs associated with this summer.
  • Pray for us both through this emotional transition, that God’s grace would prove sufficient as we submit to the perceived plans of God for us at this time.
  • Pray for our boys as they adjust to all the changes. They are very excited about going to Kilchzimmer this summer!