20 June 2015

The church isn't an event, it's a people saved by God's grace.

Posted by Crossway on Thursday, 18 June 2015

09 June 2015

God wrote a book

The powerful imagery in this clip captures the beauty and thrill of running but more importantly it calls us to rekindle our passion for reading the book that God gave to us. 
I'm grateful to the people at Desiring God for creating it and allowing it to be shared via Vimeo on this blog. 

04 June 2015

Just explore!

I love Germany and the Black Forest. 
Signs like these on the main intersections that invite you to explore new ground. German efficency and the beauty of the landscape converging.

01 June 2015

Identity - Who am I?

So much pride, jealous, hurt, misunderstandings... could be avoided if we could only get this and practice it.
I use this at the halfway point of the National Directors Institute to help our leaders reflect on who they are in Christ and not who they are because of their title or ministry statistics.
If anybody knows the source of this, please let me know. It's very well done.