25 June 2008

Tonsils and adenoids out

This morning David has his tonsils and adenoids removed. He is doing really well! From tomorrow he will be getting lots of ice cream ☺ Claudia is staying with him and I have Joel. They should get home sometime over the weekend.

21 June 2008

A pastoral visit

We were delighted to welcome Pastor Clifford and Margaret Morrison (from our sending church - Portadown Baptist) to our home this past week. They came to visit us and to speak at our annual Kilchzimmer workers retreat. Pastor Morrison's ministry was greatly appreciated and the fellowship was second to none.
On Friday we spent the day in the famous Swiss city of Lucerne. The highlight was the boat trip were Joel and David were invited up into the wheel house.

Summer has finally arrived with a decent 29ºc today! David goes into hospital on Wednesday to get his tonsils and adenoids out. Please pray for him. We will take turns to stay over in the hospital with him.

16 June 2008

Visit to German CEF

On Saturday I traveled up to Breidenbach to attend the CEF Germany Annual General Meeting. During the proceedings, Claudia and I were officially accepted as CEF Germany missionaries. This was meant to take place last year but we postponed it because we were in the middle of moving home.
I was also able to take a seminar on the need for Youth Challenge in Germany. There is a real potential for growth in this country. Pray that they will soon appoint a National Youth Challenge Coordinator as many other countries have also started to do.

Euro 08 Outreach report

Thanks for praying. We had a great week and were able to distribute 10,500 pieces of Gospel literature!
That breaks down to 1,500 children's magazines, 1,500 CEF tracts and 7,500 grown-up tracts. Here is a summary of what we did:
  • Saturday - We were present in Liestal (15 minutes from Kilchzimmer) at one of Switzerland's biggest 'Public Viewing' venues for the opening game. Almost everyone who entered the arena received a tract. We also did a lot of door to door distribution with the help of the local CEF worker.
  • Sunday - Afternoon distribution on the 'Fan Mile'.
  • Monday - Mixed with French and Romanian fans on the Zürich 'Fan mile'.
  • Tuesday - Outing to Interlaken, Beatenberg and Niederhorn.
  • Wednesday - Mixed with Swiss and Turkish fans and on the 'Fan Mile' in Basel and distributed a large number of tracts.
  • Thursday - work day at Kilchzimmer
  • Friday - the team traveled back to Ireland
Pray that the seed sown will bring forth fruit. The children's tracts gave opportunity for joining the mailbox club correspondence course and the grown-up tracts had a coupon to request a free New Testament, booklet or a gospel message on CD or cassette (this will be kindly followed up by the Swiss Tract Society). Photos

06 June 2008

SYC Irish outreach team

The outreach team has arrived from Northern Ireland. You can get updates for prayer by going to the team blog.