26 January 2007

Home for another wee while

During my time away, I spent a few days exploring the area just across the Swiss border into Germany. Praise God I was able to visit a Christian primary school and speak with the Principal. She has offered Joel a place for the new school year, all we need to do is complete the forms!
I also visited two churches in the area and was able to speak with believers who were able to offer good advice. One of these churches may well become the place we regularly worship in the future.
I viewed a number of houses and building sites and we have been able to narrow down our search considerably. Pray for clear guidance as we continue to explore possibilities and communicate back and forwards with Germany.

Photo: Part of the Christian School in Loerrach

23 January 2007

Course in Switzerland now complete

The course finished today and God really helped us as instructors and
students alike. Here is the entire group of 3 instructors and 7 students.
Thank you for your prayers for us all!

17 January 2007

JYC Instructors Course in Kilchzimmer

I am currently in Switzerland attending the Junior Youth Challenge Instructors Course at Kilchzimmer. We have seven students here from 5 different countries - Poland, Lithuania, Croatia, France and the Netherlands. David Crutchley (Youth Challenge Ireland Coordinator) and Philippe Mayhew (Current European Youth Challenge Coordinator) and myself are teaching the course. This is the first time I have taken it, so I am sitting in on most of the classes and taking notes so that I can teach it myself in the future.
Even though we are a relatively small group there is a lot of life around Kilchzimmer because there are 2 other courses taking place simultaneously. So altogether we have about 30 students plus staff.
Thank you for praying about our house search. I have spent a lot of time looking around at different areas and properties but I still haven't found what we are looking for. However we are happy to wait on God's timing - He knows all about it.
I was able to visit the Christian school in Loerrach and to speak for 15 minutes with the principal of the Primary School. She has offered us a place for Joel so all we need to do is fill in the application forms. Please pray that God will confirm if this is the way we should go.
Still no snow here - the forecast says we may get some next week. When it comes I will be sure to post a photograph here. Thanks for upholding me in your prayers, please also remember Claudia and the boys at home.

07 January 2007

Two little Hedgehogs

Thanks to my friend and hairdresser 'Andrew Jonathan' we now have two little hedgehogs in the Cousins Family. Thanks Andrew - great job!


Thank you to all for praying for me as we took part last night in a large Saturday night youth event called Dunamis.
Around 400 young people crammed in to the hall in Tandragee Leisure Centre including around 80 who sang in the Senior Youth Challenge Choir. I did a 10 minute power point on our work, the choir sang 6 pieces and Angie led some time of praise. David Crutchley did a fine job at introducing everything and keeping the evening moving along. We also showed the new 5 minute promotional DVD on the Leadership Training Institute at Kilchzimmer.
God really helped as I preached a closing message from Matthew 14. We had some good chats afterwards and renewed acquaintances with some people we hadn't seem for a while. Thirteen people added their names to our mailing list.
This week will be busy as I prepare to go to Kilchzimmer on Thursday. Please pray for a good use of time and that God will guide us in all the practical arrangements.

The nearest Webcam to Kilchzimmer - LIVE

Langenbruck is the nearest village to Kilchzimmer and the skilift and SolarBob are the closest webcams.
So if you want to see what the weather is doing at Kilchzimmer, then this is a good site to visit. These photos are updated automatically (Hopefully in the coming months we will be able to set up our very own camera in Kilchzimmer.)