30 June 2007

In Transit

Thanks to so many who helped us today to clear our house and to get the lorry packed. It was so encouraging to us that so many of our friends came and helped. Amazingly we got everything in! The car was sold last Monday and I handed over the house keys this evening so I am now the proud owner of a key-ring with nothing on it! I don’t have any keys anymore:)
The lorry will soon be on its way to Germany and I will meet it DV at our new home (I fly over tomorrow and Claudia and the boys come on Monday). Please pray for Robin and David as they take turns driving. Pray for me too as I drive down through Germany in the early hours of Monday morning.

25 June 2007

Commissioning Service

We had a wonderful day yesterday in our home church in Portadown Baptist. In the morning I was able to preach and speak about our work with Youth Challenge. The evening service was a special Commissioning Service when we as a family were 'sent out' into the mission-field. We are so thankful for a church that is 100% behind us and we certainly sensed that yesterday.
It was also a blessing to see so many who came along to our service to offer their support and to wish us God's blessing for the future.
Now we have to get our heads down and continue our packing. We will be moving out on Saturday and spending the rest of the weekend at my mum and dads. I will fly over to Germany on Sunday morning (to prepare the way) Claudia and the boys will join me on Monday DV.
We really feel that yesterday was an important day to bring real closure to our time of living in Northern Ireland. Now our time of transition moves into a new phase and a new chapter will soon begin.
Thank you again for upholding us in prayer and thank you also for your generous giving.
May the Lord bless you as you partner with us in mission!

22 June 2007

Very quiet - NOT!

I know I have been very quiet lately. Truth be told, we lost our phone and internet connection at home (I did pay the bill :) We are moving in a weeks time so please pray for God's strength as we go through the emotional trial of saying goodbye to everyone.
A warm welcome to our Commissioning Service on Sunday, 24th June at 7pm in Portadown Baptist Church, Thomas Street.

For anyone interested - here is My Amazon wish list

13 June 2007

"Gary! Hold your tummy in"

Two and a half weeks to go and despite everything we are still smiling. We even managed to get a new prayer letter out this week. If you would like a copy then email us and we will send you one out.
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School Sports Day in N.Ireland (last time for Joel)

01 June 2007

Separating man and machine

You have heard of Gideon putting out his fleece. Well here is my fleece out on the grass! I have listed my bike for sale in the AutoTrader.
If it doesn't sell I'm taking it with me to Germany :)

If you are interested in buying it for yourself, click here to go to AutoTrader website.