One of my new responsibilities in the Education Department are the 3 Children's Ministry Leadership Courses (CMLC) that we have at Kilchzimmer each year. Samantha supports us as registrar - processing applications, answering students questions, giving administrative help to the visiting teachers, etc. Martha is the CMLC supervisor and deals with the day-to-day running of each 12 week course - caring for the students, meeting regularly with visiting teachers, organising classes, ensuring the smooth running of the course and harmony in close community life 'up on the hill'.
This week I am teaching again in the German class and enjoying very much the interaction with the students. I consider it a real privilege to be allocated time to invest in training future CEF workers and those who will go back to their churches to 'teach children more effectively'. Through illness I have had to organise replacement teachers at very short notice and I even had to jump in and teach some extra classes myself.
Please pray for our 33 students who will be with us until 18 December (DV).