27 March 2014

The challenge of reaching the Unreached


Unapproachable, inaccessible in location or situation, untouched, untouchable, disconnected, unable to be met or out of touch. These are all words and descriptions given for yet another word: Unreached.

17 March 2014

Leadership Matters Course at Kilchzimmer

The team of instructors at the 'Leadership Matters Course' in Kilchzimmer. (From back left) David Cummings (former International Director of Wycliffe Bible Translators), Chris Lorimer (OM France), Susana Turnbough (FWBIM), Carlos Diaz (Guatemala), Edward David (OM and LMC coordinator), (front) Rachel Johnson (OM), me and Jeff Turnbough (Director of Field Operations at Free Will Baptist International Missions).
I count it a tremendous privilege to have been able to serve as a trainer at the LMC course for 23 participants who are leaders working with various agencies across the world. I have been able to sharpen my own skills as well as investing in the coaching of other leaders from USA, GB, Ireland, Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, Austria, Spain, France, Barbados, Czech Republic, Malaysia and several other nations.