Got the MacBook back today and it's working least for the moment. Reading the online discussions about the "random shutdown" issue, many users have experienced the same problem again within weeks of the repair - so I will not be putting my pen and paper into long term storage just yet!
Today we also took a good drive around the BL area (the area between the small town of Waldenburg and the city of Basel). We now have a good idea of the area we would like to live in and we have narrowed our search down to about 6 villages/towns. The area we have identified is less than half an hour drive to Kilchzimmer and is in close proximity to the Christian school in Liestal - with good bus/train connections. It would also be less than half an hour to Basel city.
Another interesting development is that just two weeks ago the German supermarket chain ALDI opened its first shop in BL. We went to it today and we were pleasantly surprised to discover that the prices are much lower than standard Swiss supermarkets. This is really good news because the cost of living in Switzerland is very high and being able to buy cheaper food will definitely help reduce our monthly expenditure. The other good thing is that the shop is inside the area which we wish to move too next year.
Four weeks from today will be our graduation service and then we will be on our way home to Northern Ireland. Time has really flown. Kenny Martin (CEF worker from our home church) is teaching until the end of next week. Last week we also had the classes with Philippe Mayhew on Youth Challenge. He said I will be teaching these classes next year at both the summer and autumn institutes - so it was interesting listening as a student with that in the back of my mind. (Photo: Me and Philippe demonstrating some games which can be played in a JYC meeting.)
As you know, we will be starting deputation in October. Actually I am working at the minute on the design of our prayercard. I am also a little concerned at the moment that we do not have more meetings booked. Can you help? Could you invite a few friends around to your house for an evening and invite us come and show a powerpoint and talk about our future ministry? We are really praying that God would raise up those who would be willing to get behind us in prayer and regular financial support. Could you help us share this need with others? We are so thankful for those who have already pledged their support but we need many more people to get behind us. Please pray for us.
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