Today we got all our Christmas post out! Around 250 prayer letters plus our Christmas cards. This was a big job this time around as I was using a new database for all the addresses. It took many hours to get all the information into the system and to check its accuracy. However we are glad to get these letters into the post and now we are praying that God will cause many to decide to pray for and give to our ministry.
If you are a missionary and you raise your own support then this is a great program for keeping good records of your prayer supporters, their giving and your relationship with them. The program is called TnTMPD and it can be downloaded by going to the TnT webpage - I thoroughly recommend it. (It is available in: English, French, German, Spanish and Russian.)
Hi Gary and Claudia
ReplyDeleteWe can sympathise with you to some extent re post etc. We're trying to mail out our church Christmas cards at the moment; our hands are tired writing, and we can no longer talk properly due to licking so many envelopes - no change there then!!
The site's looking great and we're praying for you in your ministry. I assume we're signed up already to get your prayer letter, but I'll post our details on the site again just in case.
Love in Christ,
Andrew and Carolyn