29 July 2007

Open for business

The spare room that I wanted to convert into an office has turned out really well. It's so good to get all the boxes unpacked and to get everything put into its place :)
This week we have been busy preparing our talks for the family camp at Brake Bible School.
In the last photograph you can see me with the boys and a jigsaw we made.
We have still lots to catch up on. Thank you for your continued prayers for us.

09 July 2007

Trains, boats, lorries and a cup of tea

There are a few people who we want to thank, especially the 12 people who turned up to help pack the lorry, Robin Harper and David Megarry who drove the lorry over, Alan Armstrong who helped organise the transport and Norfolkline shipping who looked after us with a cheap space on the boat.
Also thanks to Claudia's brother and all those from Kilchzimmer who came to help us unload the lorry and bring everything into the right rooms. Thanks to our home church for all their prayers and practical support and to everyone who has sent gifts our cards in recent days.

"We just love Germany!"

08 July 2007

First Impressions

This was our first breakfast in our new house. (David fell last weekend on his lip but it is much better now.) We have now settled in really well and unpacked most of our boxes.

This is the view from our front room where the Kandertal steam railway passes. Every time we hear the whistle the boys come running to the balcony to see the train go past! It is really special and we are so thankful to God for something as simple as this which helps our boys to settle in to their new surroundings.

05 July 2007


Thanks to you all for your prayers for our move. Both we and all of our belongings arrived safely. The last few days we have been busy unpacking our boxes and getting ourselves registered with the local authorities, etc...
Our phone has just been connected but I don't yet have internet. However we have great neighbors and they have let me use their connection to pick up my email!
More photos and infos later...