29 December 2008

How will it be in 2009?

During the 28 years of my Christian life, I have had various seasons of success and failure when it comes to the vital discipline of a daily quiet time. My constant new years resolutions and then subsequent feelings of guilt and failure became a common pattern.
I also found it extremely unhelpful when those in positions of spiritual leadership sought to encourage us by saying that "it's not so important to have a QT every day". Surely the Biblical ignorance that prevails in our churches and youth groups today can be attributed to the lack of time spent reading the most important book of all "God's Word"!
Over the years I have tried many different reading systems; daily Bibles, reading plans, reading notes, devotional books, Bible in a Year, etc. (Some of the most popular notes used today are giving people a 'Happy Meal' when what they really need is a Christmas Dinner...)
This past six months I have been using 'Explore' Bible reading notes and they have blessed me more than anything I have ever used before. Here's why:
  • they are meaty and theologically reformed
  • applications are often for those in Christian leadership
  • there are no unhelpful anecdotes - just precious Bible
  • verse by verse exposition and application
  • they are written in a contemporary but reverent style
  • readings are based on the beautiful ESV text (the perfect companion to an ESV study Bible :) )
  • the 'Bible in a Year' chapters are listed below each page
  • the back flap can be filled in as a weekly prayer guide
  • a year's subscription costs only UK £12 / Overseas £15 (I have it sent to me in Germany, it always comes in good time and I find it great value!)
Several friends and colleagues have also started to use 'Explore' and have testified to it's helpfulness. Try it for yourself and let me know about your experience.

19 December 2008

Christmas Greetings

Gary, Claudia, Joel and David would like to thank you for all your prayers and practical support during 2008. Thank you to many of you who sent us Christmas cards and personal greetings.
We trust you will have a Happy Christmas and a blessed New Year.

For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

Clip recommendation for leaders

22 November 2008

Illustrations for new JYC manual completed

These past two weeks I have been working in Kilchzimmer alongside Marek from the Czech Republic. He has just completed all the illustrations for our fifth and final manual - 'The World'. Marek has now redrawn all the illustrations for all 5 manuals in the JYC teaching cycle. We are so grateful that he has been willing to use his God given gifts in this way. It was also great that his wife (Veru) could travel with him this time.

Marek, Veru, me and Brent

18 November 2008

CEF IN2 short-term mission teams 2009

If you know any young people looking for short-term mission opportunities this summer. Then please let them know about this.

05 November 2008

Enjoy your meal

The following is an article I have written to be published in the next newsletter of the CEF European Headquarters (the Kilchzimmer Echo).
Around the Atlantic coastal waters of Europe, there has been a recent increase in sightings of the second largest fish in the world. Commonly known as the basking shark (because they move lethargically near the surface), these fish can easily be distinguished by their large, gaping mouth, which they use to filter seawater through their gills while feeding on the tiny plankton. Experts estimate that a single basking shark can filter enough seawater to fill a 50m Olympic swimming pool – every hour!
That’s a lot of water and perhaps a fair picture of many of us – spiritually speaking. We look back with thankfulness to God that we heard the Gospel right from our earliest years. We praise God for the regular teaching we received in church, Sunday Schools, Good News Clubs and Junior Youth Challenge groups. Week by week these teachers fed us good spiritual food from the Word of God and challenged us to repent of our sin and to give our lives completely to God and His service. Now in our adult years we continue to take in thousands of litres of good biblical food in our own churches. Truly we can say we have been well fed! But so often after we have eaten a large meal, we sit down in our favourite chair and nod off to sleep. I wonder are we in danger of becoming like the basking sharks – taking in so much and yet happy to just relax in the comfort and warmth of the calm waters? Have we neglected our calling to pass on to others what we have been taught?

The principle of multiplication
“And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2
Paul urged his young disciple Timothy, to make sure that he passed on the things he had learned to faithful people who would in turn teach them to others. In CEF we understand this principle of multiplication. The vast majority of the 220 million children in Europe have yet to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel. We realise that 570 full-time workers cannot reach them all on their own, so that is why we commit much of our resources to training others and providing them with quality teaching materials for the task.
Last year 17,000 people in Europe received some form of CEF training. During the past 12 months, 58 people from across Europe have attended our Junior Youth Challenge Instructors’ Courses in Ukraine, Romania, Poland and Russia. These people, many of them already CEF workers, have committed to take the teaching they have received, to train other teachers in the evangelism and discipling of 11-15 year olds. (Another course is planned for Kilchzimmer, 11-19 January 2009.)

Providing resources for the teachers
‘Following Jesus’ is our latest teaching resource to be published for use in our Junior Youth Challenge (JYC) Groups. Part of a 5–year cycle, these new eye-catching Bible-studies are packed full of solid doctrinal teaching and personal application for the junior teens. You can download a sample PDF lesson at www.cefyc.com.
We currently have over 300 JYCs in Europe reaching around 4,000 young people. Pray that many new JYCs will commence as our workers go out to train others, and that many of the junior teens will repent of their sin and begin to follow Jesus.

15 October 2008

JYC Instructors' Course in Russia

Photo album
I have just returned from Kursk, Russia where I was teaching a Youth Challenge Instructors’ Course. The 17 eager students and 5 staff traveled from Latvia, Azerbaijan and from right across the Russian Federation. Two young women even traveled from Vladivostock in the far east of the country (a flight lasting 10 hours). Another came from near the border with Mongolia. One of my co-instructors Tatanya came from Siberia. You may remember that in October 2007 she made the 4 day journey by train to be one of my students in the Ukraine!
It’s so thrilling to know that these students (mostly CEF full-time workers) are now going out across this vast country to train hundreds of people in the work of evangelising and discipling 11–15 year olds.

Preaching in Kursk, Russia

Red Square

Autumn clear up

09 October 2008

Hello from Russia

<I have very limited access to the internet. I cannot receive email.>
The students are all highly motivated with a good attitude to learning. I have a good translator and my co-instructors are great to work with. So far we have had good weather.
When I get home I will share some more of my experiences. Thank you for your prayers for me and the family.

15 September 2008

Joel's first days at 'German' primary school

Today Joel had his first full day at school. He really likes his class and his new teacher. The day starts at 8.25 and later on in the year his classes will move to the normal starting time of 7.35!!!
I have more photographs in an online album - just email me and I will send you the hidden link.

06 September 2008

Impressions from Zürich

For a long time I have wanted to visit the Shepherds' Conference at Grace Community Church and maybe someday I will... but even though it wasn't LA it was still very special to be in Zürich and to fellowship with brothers and sisters from across Germany and Switzerland who share the same desire to see the Word of God faithfully proclaimed across this most needy continent of Europe. The Masters Seminary has established a distance learning programme for German speakers in Berlin and Zürich know as EBTC (European Bible Training Center). They were the organizers behind this conference.
I especially enjoyed the messages from Mark Dever and the chance to chat to him briefly. I also met some old friends and made some new ones.
Last night we had John MacArthur preach to us via live video link from his church in LA. Of course he also had to be simultaneously translated into German. How does that work you may ask? The little clip below will let you see how it was done. I must say, it was all very professional (Martin is an excellent translator!)
The conference was extremely well organized and we enjoyed the excellent conference facilities and accommodation at the Mitternachtsruf mission headquarters.
All this only a few miles away from the Grossmünster where Ulrich Zwingli preaching the Word of God verse-by-verse and led the Reformation in Switzerland.

03 September 2008

Shepherds' Conference in Zurich, Switzerland

Tomorrow I plan to attend the Hirtenkonferenz (Shepherds' Conference, 4-6 Sep. 08) in Zurich, Switzerland.
I am really looking forward to hearing the main speaker - Mark Dever (Senior Pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church and President of 9 Marks Ministry).
Also speaking will be Stephen Lonetti and John McArthur who will feature via video-link. There are also many more speakers from the German speaking world. I pray that this will be both refreshing and challenging to sit under these guys ministry and also that we will make new contacts with Swiss and German churches.

01 September 2008

I can tie my shoelaces!!!

Exploring the Black Forest

This weekend we went out to explore the Black Forest as part of Claudia's birthday treat. This may well have been the last hot weekend of the summer - so we made the most of it. We went back to the spot where I had been for the Teen Camp a few weeks ago. We all had a wonderful time in the water and walking along the lake.

While walking in the forest Joel picked up a little grasshopper and very quickly (literally) became attached to him. He had no fear and seemed to be very happy with his new found friend. When it came time to go back to the car, it took more than a little gentle persuasion to convince Joel that it was time to say goodbye and that 'Oscar' (mummy suggested the name) would be much happier in the big forest than in our house. We really do need to get Joel a pet rabbit or something - the only problem is we are away so much - would our neighbours be willing to car for him?

30 August 2008

German Koinonia

In true German Koinonia style, this week a brother from our church shared some of his wood with us in exchange for me helping him in the forest to gather it and afterwards to cut it in his workshop. We have a large closed fire in our living room and heating with this wood should help us greatly to keep our fuel costs down this winter.

Also this week, Claudia celebrated her ??th :) birthday. As a little treat we took her out to Lörrach for an ice-cream.

Meanwhile the fields around Binzen are rich with crops waiting to be harvested in the next few weeks. Grapes, apples and corn on the cob are never far away.

27 August 2008

Teaching at Kilchzimmer

Last week I had the privilege of once again teaching at the LTI (CEF Leadership Training Institute) at Kilchzimmer. I taught the subjects Junior Teens and Time Management. This week I have a class on Prayer Letters and explaining and promoting the use of blogs/websites as a means of keeping friends and prayer supporters informed about your ministry and life.

This was the group that were here for the first 6 weeks - the 2nd 6 weeks is a smaller group (as some choose to take the second part of the course another time). Those taught will be going back to minister in countries such as Finland, Belarus, Cyprus, England, N. Ireland, Germany and many more.

23 August 2008

Why we're not emergent

The perceptive among you will have noticed that during my summer holidays I was reading: Why we're not emergent (By two guys who should be), Kevin de Young and Ted Kluck, Moody Publishers, 2008.
I had intended posting some extracts and giving a review but I have come to the conclusion that I should just recommend that you read it! There is so much about this movement that is hard to define or put your finger on... so if you do decide to read it, make sure you keep a highlighter and notebook nearby.
This movement and the false teaching that it is propagating is leading many Christians astray - even many who have never heard the term 'emergent'. At times the book is quite heavy going but the writing style is fresh and original making it very hard to set down.
Read more, download a free chapter and view an interview with the authors by clicking here.
(as Amazon associates - your order will help support our ministry)

Learn more about the ESV Study Bible

17 August 2008

David is 5!

We celebrated David's 5th birthday in Ireland with my family.
Now we are back home in Germany.

11 August 2008

Sunday in N. Ireland

We are enjoying a short family break staying with my parents in N. Ireland.
Yesterday I preached in our sending church (Portadown Baptist) and gave a report of our work. It was so special to see people again and to spend some time catching up with our friends.

Seeing my sister's little girl, Amelia, was a special treat!

We finished of last night at Andrew and Carolyn's. They are expecting their first baby any day now and are preparing to go out to Peru as missionaries. We really appreciate their friendship. You can read more about them here.

08 August 2008

Black Forest Camp

We had an excellent week in the Black Forest with over 40 teenagers. Great food, great weather and a really good atmosphere among the leaders and the young people. One of the evenings after I spoke, one of the teenage girls prayed with her leader and asked the Lord to save her. We praise God for blessing in this way.

28 July 2008

Following Jesus is here!

Today we received the first printed copy of the new JYC manual - Following Jesus. The rest are on their way to Ireland and the USA to be used in the new school year. On such an occasion as this Brent couldn't pass up a photo opportunity. Do we look relieved or what? :)
Thanks to David Crutchley (co-writing), Brent (design), Marek (illustrations), Sarah and Lizanne (proofing) and Bogdan (overseeing printing).

Photo: Brent and me

27 July 2008

Visit from mum and dad...

It was great to have mum and dad visit us recently. The boys especially enjoyed it and it was a special time for us all. Just before they left I caught tonsillitis and was off sick for the past week. Today I preached in our church in Germany and the Lord really helped. Afterwards we had lunch outside the church - it was another beautiful day. Tonight after a cycle in the vineyards I cooled off in the pool.
Tomorrow I am back at my office in Kilchzimmer and getting ready for the Black Forest teen camp I will help to lead, beginning this weekend.

Above: A visit last week from missionary friends of ours who studied with us in the same year at Bible College. They are soon going back to serve in the Ukraine.

25 June 2008

Tonsils and adenoids out

This morning David has his tonsils and adenoids removed. He is doing really well! From tomorrow he will be getting lots of ice cream ☺ Claudia is staying with him and I have Joel. They should get home sometime over the weekend.