28 July 2008

Following Jesus is here!

Today we received the first printed copy of the new JYC manual - Following Jesus. The rest are on their way to Ireland and the USA to be used in the new school year. On such an occasion as this Brent couldn't pass up a photo opportunity. Do we look relieved or what? :)
Thanks to David Crutchley (co-writing), Brent (design), Marek (illustrations), Sarah and Lizanne (proofing) and Bogdan (overseeing printing).

Photo: Brent and me


  1. Hi Gary,
    Congratulations on the publication of 'Following Jesus'. May it be used of God for His glory, and for the discipleship of many young people in coming days.

    Thanks for all of your good wishes for us as well - only 2 weeks to go!! We'll keep you posted on how things are going.

    Trust that the tonsilitis clears up completely for you.

    God bless,

  2. Yee haa. Looking forward to teaching it now!
