25 May 2008


During a family reunion at Heidelberg we went for a walk down to the world famous castle.
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22 May 2008

Next stage for new manual

After many weeks of intensive study and writing I am pleased to say that the manuscript for the next JYC manual has now been completed. Now it is being proofread by Sarah and Brent has started the design of the handouts and visuals. It will then be sent to the printer in Poland (some time in June DV). This continues to be the biggest project I have worked on since taking up this post. I have been particularly thankful for the helpful assistance of David Crutchley in the revision and writing of this text. Thank you for praying for us thus far and please keep praying that this manual will soon be printed and distributed to those who are reaching young people throughout the world.

17 May 2008

Time to say goodbye

On Thursday, 15 May the Kilchzimmer workers all gathered at the Hotel Erica. The occasion was a farewell meal for all those members of staff who will soon be moving to other places. Paul and Audrey Reid who have been with CEF for 43 years and most recently were head of the European Education Department are now moving back to Barcelona, Spain were they first served as missionaries many years ago.
The Mayhew family are moving to the outskirts of Paris where Philippe will be the National Director for CEF France. Suzanne Jones is moving back to Portadown. She has served as Roy Harrisons secretary for the past 14 years. Lizanne Dumigan is moving back to Northern Ireland ahead of her planned marriage to Lindsay McKee in August. She was my boss when I worked in the printing department (1992-96). She was head of the MultiMedia Department and Administrative assistant to the European Director.
All of these people have faithfully invested many, many years in serving our CEF workers across Europe. They will be sorely missed by all of us who remain. We wish them all God's blessing as they begin a new chapter of their lives. Please pray that God will soon provide those who He would have serve at Kilchzimmer in their place. If you believe God may be calling you to serve here - just drop me an email and I will be glad to get you more information!

16 May 2008

A special visit

It has been 12 years since I last saw Andreas Hahn and it was such a joy to have him visit us today. When I lived in Switzerland and worked in the CEF print shop from 1992-96, Andreas was the part-time Pastor in the little church I attended. He was influential in helping me to see that God maybe had other plans for my life. Through his preaching, counsel, encouragement and example, I gained a heart for the local church and pastoral work. He accompanied me through the struggle I had about going to Bible College and fully supported me when I finally took the step to go to Bibelschule Brake in 1996.
Andreas and his family are now FEG Switzerland and DMG missionaries in Wrocław (Breslau), Poland where he is a lecturer at the theological seminary.

07 May 2008

What's going on in the Cousins household today?

What's going on at the Cousins' today. Well, the boys were off school today for an exceptional closure so we got the paddling pool out for the first time this year. Claudia is doing very well after her operation. In the photo you can see the flowers I bought her :) Meanwhile with 24ºc outside, I am working away on the revision of the JYC manual.

04 May 2008

Our neighbours throw a village party

Sunday lunch in the south of Germany. We are enjoying a BBQ on our balcony while our neighbors (the wine producers) are having their annual 'Hoffest' (yard party).
Most of the locals arrived on their bicycles and have parked them so that our lane is blocked (not that we need to get out or anything like that). Everyone is well behaved and enjoying their 'Pommes, Schnitzel, Bratwurst and Salat'. A local band is providing the background music. Every hour the steam train goes past and it's a very pleasant 21ºc.

01 May 2008

Back home

I got Claudia back home today. She is looking great as ever. She says
she is feeling much better... less pain but still weak and sleepy.
Thanks to all who prayed, sent emails or left comments here on the blog. I passed them on each day to Claudia. We appreciate your love and prayers.