Above is the pile of books that I hope to get through this year! They are mostly theological books which I read both devotionaly and for the purpose of keeping abreast with current trends and winds of doctrine.
I also read in order to sharpen my skills in areas of interest. For example the book slide:ology is written by one of the worlds leading design agencies and focuses on making good PowerPoint presentations. This is something I often have to create as I both teach and promote the work of CEF. I have also had opportunity to teach other CEF workers and future workers on this subject. The book on public speaking from Richard Bewes is another example of reading to sharpen skills. Some of the books were given to me as gifts with the recommendation of the giver.
In addition to reading the above, I ensure that I give priority to the reading of God's Word. I have been following the 'Bible in a Year Plan' in my Explorer Quiet Time notes. For this I use the ESV study bible and often listen to it online while reading (I find this helps me to concentrate and to retain more). If I continue to keep up with the readings, I will have completed this in September.
In between I pick up Grudem's huge Systematic Theology and read a chapter of that.
I also subscribe to the monthly Evangelical Times and Evangelicals Now, and the quarterly Gemeindegründung. On top of that are all the blogs which I find impossible to keep up with! There's just so much information and good solid material out there (can you ask for a Sabatical after two years service :) )???
As well as all of this reading, I listen regularly to sermons I download on my iPod. They are normally sermon series or Pastors/Leadership conferences. On my playlist you would find, John Piper, Don Carson, John MacArthur, Mark Driscoll, Mark Dever, C.J. Mahaney, Alistair Begg and music from Sovereign Grace Music.
Perhaps I will post the odd review and recommendation over the coming months.
Happy reading Gary. I set myself a target to read one book a month this year. February is almost over and how many books have I read? Yep...you guessed it...NONE!!!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work... and discipline yourself ;-)
ReplyDeleteHey Gary,
ReplyDeleteLooks like a great pile of reading. May the Lord use these texts to warm your heart, stretch your mind, and sharpen your ministry.
Thanks for sharing your reading aspirations for 2009.
Pray for you as a family, and in your ongoing ministry.
A, C and G