19 July 2009

Armenia - Day 2

Today I was in the capital city Yerevan and it was 40ºc! I was the guest of Pastor Levon Bardakjian at the Evangelical Church of Yerevan. Two of our CMLC students come from his church. It was a wonderful service, the Pastor was so very supportive. He interviewed the two girls gave me 15 minutes to share about the work of CEF and another 30 minutes to preach (maybe it was longer - probably it was longer)! It was one of those messages were I left my manuscript and really sensed God the Holy Spirit carrying me along and prompting my mind with the things I should say. I consider occasions like these to be among the greatest blessings of the ministry. The service will probably be televised on the local Christian TV station.
I myself was blessed to meet so many beautiful saints and to listen to their stories. I even met Armine and George Manoukian who first started the work of CEF in Armenia back in 1991 (their son-in-law is the Pastor!). They attended the first ever Leadership Training Institute at Kilchzimmer in 1973! They now live in USA but they were on one of their many trips to this country. Over lunch they shared some of their amazing story of how God has kept them and used them to His glory to see a work established among the children of Armenia. I could have listened to them all day.
Later we drove around the city picking up students, and my interpreter, before driving back to the centre. Now we are ready for the week of teaching to begin.


  1. Hi Gary,

    Be assured of our prayers for you in Armenia (although I'm a Calvinist myself - boom boom!), and for Claudia and the boys back in Germany. Great descriptions and photos (are you using an SLR?).

    We really trust that your week of teaching will go well, and that the liberty you have been enjoying today in the Holy Spirit will continue through the sessions ahead.

    Much love and prayer in Christ,
    A, C and G

  2. Thanks A and C,
    I was wondering about how to get in a joke like that, but you beat me to it. Anyway I always knew that you are not an 'Armeniaist' !
    No the SLR was beyond reach but a few months ago I got a very good deal on a Fuji Finepix s1000fd and I am really pleased with the possibilities and results. It's small size is also ideal for traveling (the updated models have a better zoom but I'm content with what I have).
    Thanks for your prayers,
