27 March 2012

Leadership Matters Course (LMC)

During March I attended the 12 day Leadership Matters Course held in Willingen, Germany. This time (for a change) I was a student along with 27 others and 9 trainers.
I think I will look back at this course as a turning point in my life and ministry. I know that’s a big claim but the skills gained there and the time given for personal reflection and evaluation of our own lives and ministry was something very profitable.
It was also a great blessing to enjoy the fellowship with other leaders who are serving with 11 organisations.

The teaching is interactive and of a very high standard. Subjects include:
  • Communication skills
  • Management skills
  • Relational skills
  • Devotional skills
  • Strategic planning for ministry and life
  • Training skills
  • Public relation skills
  • Leadership skills
 You can find out here when the next course will be in your area and register your interest.

06 March 2012

JYC training course in Lithuania

From the 2-5 March I was in Vilnius, Lithuania teaching 20 students at a JYC seminar held in the building of the Baptist Church. The course is being taught over 3 weekends and I gave all of the teaching for the second weekend (thanks to Sandra and Rita for interpreting). The students listened very well and were keen to learn all they could. In the main photo above you can see a practical taking place. Three students pretend to teach a JYC while the others pretend to be teenagers. This is always an encouragement for us as instructors to see each student putting into practice what they have learned.
I was reminded of the importance of this work during one of the coffee-breaks in conversation with a student. He told me that he started smoking when he was 7 years old, drinking when he was 12 and taking drugs when he was 22. He stole from more than 500 vehicles and served two prison sentences. He came to Christ through the work of a Christian rehab centre were he now works with teens in similar situations. He told me that he learned so much in this course that will help him to better share the Gospel with these teens. His desire is that they will trust the Lord and be freed from the life of drugs, drink and crime that he once led.
We are planning to have a CMLC in Lithuania this summer. The photograph on the top left is of an informal meeting we had for those who wanted to find out more about the course. I also had an opportunity to testify and to share about the CMLC in the Sunday morning service.