27 March 2012

Leadership Matters Course (LMC)

During March I attended the 12 day Leadership Matters Course held in Willingen, Germany. This time (for a change) I was a student along with 27 others and 9 trainers.
I think I will look back at this course as a turning point in my life and ministry. I know that’s a big claim but the skills gained there and the time given for personal reflection and evaluation of our own lives and ministry was something very profitable.
It was also a great blessing to enjoy the fellowship with other leaders who are serving with 11 organisations.

The teaching is interactive and of a very high standard. Subjects include:
  • Communication skills
  • Management skills
  • Relational skills
  • Devotional skills
  • Strategic planning for ministry and life
  • Training skills
  • Public relation skills
  • Leadership skills
 You can find out here when the next course will be in your area and register your interest.

1 comment:

  1. nice!
    We need to find out about this kind of stuff!

    bless you my friend!
