19 December 2007

A family wedding

Congratulations to Daniel (Claudia's brother) and Nadine who were married last Saturday at a service in Schönblick Christian Conference Centre, Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Southern Germany. Also in the photograph are Claudia's mum and dad and sister.

German Speaking Bible Colleges growing

An article in the Evangelical German magazine "ideaSpektrum" has reported a 4,2% rise in the number of people in Germany, Austria and Switzerland attending Evangelical Bible Colleges.
At present, over 3,000 young Christians are attending ca. 50 Bible Colleges.
According to "ideaSpektrum" the top 5 are:
1. Martin-Bucer-Seminar Bonn (159)
2. Marburger Bibelseminar (156)
3. Bibelschule Brake (147) (Claudia and I graduated from here in '99)
4. Bibelseminar Bonn (140)
5. Freie Theologische Akademie Giessen (132)

Photo: Claudia's sister graduating this year from Bibelschule Brake

18 December 2007

Office at Kilchzimmer

Since last week I now have an office at Kilchzimmer. As we had a snow covering for the past couple of weeks, the view from my window is very peaceful!
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03 December 2007

Online giving

Thanks to a new system set up for the CEF workers at Kilchzimmer, it is now possible for you to give towards our ministry using Credit Card (£, $, €) to give - click here and then click on our name in the left column!