17 September 2007

A Sunday afternoon cycle = 3 countries - 33 Km - 40,000 people

Yesterday I took part in the "slowUp Basel-Dreiland" along with 40,000 others on bicycles (90%) and Rollerblades (10%). This was the first time on my bicycle for two months (since my elbow operation) so I opted for a 33 km route rather than the full 45 km which went into Switzerland, Germany and France. The route crossed the border 5 times and the Rhein river 4 times. All of the roads were closed to traffic and everyone (well most people) went around the route in a counter-clockwise direction. The weather was superb as was the organization of this huge event. This was the first time for this event in Basel but it looks to become a yearly event. Next year I want to do the full route. Anybody want to join me?


  1. I could replace the dog

  2. That's funny!!
    It's true though, the dog looked like he was really enjoying himself!
    Great to hear from you. Thanks for looking at the blog.
