16 June 2008

Euro 08 Outreach report

Thanks for praying. We had a great week and were able to distribute 10,500 pieces of Gospel literature!
That breaks down to 1,500 children's magazines, 1,500 CEF tracts and 7,500 grown-up tracts. Here is a summary of what we did:
  • Saturday - We were present in Liestal (15 minutes from Kilchzimmer) at one of Switzerland's biggest 'Public Viewing' venues for the opening game. Almost everyone who entered the arena received a tract. We also did a lot of door to door distribution with the help of the local CEF worker.
  • Sunday - Afternoon distribution on the 'Fan Mile'.
  • Monday - Mixed with French and Romanian fans on the Zürich 'Fan mile'.
  • Tuesday - Outing to Interlaken, Beatenberg and Niederhorn.
  • Wednesday - Mixed with Swiss and Turkish fans and on the 'Fan Mile' in Basel and distributed a large number of tracts.
  • Thursday - work day at Kilchzimmer
  • Friday - the team traveled back to Ireland
Pray that the seed sown will bring forth fruit. The children's tracts gave opportunity for joining the mailbox club correspondence course and the grown-up tracts had a coupon to request a free New Testament, booklet or a gospel message on CD or cassette (this will be kindly followed up by the Swiss Tract Society). Photos

1 comment:

  1. ... and probably met lots of crazy dutch fans as well ;-)
