06 September 2008

Impressions from Zürich

For a long time I have wanted to visit the Shepherds' Conference at Grace Community Church and maybe someday I will... but even though it wasn't LA it was still very special to be in Zürich and to fellowship with brothers and sisters from across Germany and Switzerland who share the same desire to see the Word of God faithfully proclaimed across this most needy continent of Europe. The Masters Seminary has established a distance learning programme for German speakers in Berlin and Zürich know as EBTC (European Bible Training Center). They were the organizers behind this conference.
I especially enjoyed the messages from Mark Dever and the chance to chat to him briefly. I also met some old friends and made some new ones.
Last night we had John MacArthur preach to us via live video link from his church in LA. Of course he also had to be simultaneously translated into German. How does that work you may ask? The little clip below will let you see how it was done. I must say, it was all very professional (Martin is an excellent translator!)
The conference was extremely well organized and we enjoyed the excellent conference facilities and accommodation at the Mitternachtsruf mission headquarters.
All this only a few miles away from the Grossmünster where Ulrich Zwingli preaching the Word of God verse-by-verse and led the Reformation in Switzerland.


  1. I think almost all the guys I know share the dream of getting to the shepherds conference...& tghe desiring God one.

  2. Yes Piper is coming to the Shepherds conference in Bonn, Germany next year. I just hope they give him more time to speak than they gave Dever.
    I do not envy the guy who has to translate Piper into German but if it is the same guy from this past conference he will do very well.
